
Review of the Best Web Hosting for WordPress 2023

Hostinger WordPress Web Hosting

This is a review of the best web hosting for WordPress in 2023. There’s a dirty little secret about the best web hosting for WordPress, and this is because out of all the WordPress hosting companies out there, only three WordPress recommend themselves.

I will look at the top 9 hosting companies and go over the pros and cons of every single hosting company one by one, and by the end of this post, you’ll know exactly which hosting company is right for you.

Recommended reading:

WordPress Web Hosting Recommendation.

The vast majority of web hosts meet the WordPress minimum requirements, and choosing the right environment will help your WordPress website work seamlessly. These providers are reviewed below (SiteGround, Bluehost, DreamHost).

Review of the Best Web Hosting for WordPress

1-   SiteGround

One of the big pros of SiteGround is it’s extremely easy to set up, with SiteGround I could set up a website in just under 10 minutes.

One of WordPress’s recommendations is SiteGround, and they do offer very affordable pricing.

They are not the cheapest hosting company out there.

SiteGround is extremely reliable, they have over 99.99% uptime and extremely fast servers, also you get a free SSL certificate which basically allows your site to be more secure.

The cons,

There are some cons for SiteGround, one of the first cons is even though it’s a pretty affordable price, it’s still mid-tier pricing as I mentioned, there are some hosting companies that are cheaper. Another con with SiteGround is there are plan limits if you’re planning to host a huge number of videos on your website or very large images, SiteGround might not be the best option for you. However, they do have gigabytes and gigabytes of storage for 99% of the people out there it should be plenty of storage, but this is something you should keep in mind.

2- Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the most popular WordPress hosting providers out there. It’s also the second of the three different hosting companies that are recommended by WordPress they’re also one of the most trusted companies in this business. In my opinion, Bluehost is such a great platform to host your website. Whether you are creating a blog, website, or online store, Bluehost has got a plan that fits perfectly. It’s one reason WordPress has recommended them since 2005.

Hosting plans start as low as $2.95/month, and this comes with a lot more than just a hosting service, it includes a Free Domain – 1 year,  Free CDN, and Free SSL Certificate.

3- DreamHost

DreamHost is the last of the three different hosting platforms that are recommended by WordPress but honestly. DreamHost makes sure your website is fast, secure & always up -so your visitors & search engines trust you. Hosting plans start as low as $2.59/month, and this is really cheap!

4- GoDaddy. Why you should avoid GoDaddy!

I personally do not recommend GoDaddy, no matter what. They are okay for buying a domain name, but they’re not even the cheapest ones for buying a domain name. in my opinion, they are overpriced, and they do not offer a high-quality service when it comes to hosting your website

5- A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is one of the fastest hosting providers out there, basically meaning when people go to your website, it’s going to load up extremely fast, but, on the downside, they have really poor uptime, and uptime basically means how often people can actually visit your site (AND FIND IT AVAILABLE) now keep in mind no hosting company has a 100% uptime. But most of them have 99.99% uptime, meaning just about any time someone tries to go to your website, they’re going to be able to go there A2 hosting has one of the lowest uptime percentages out there, and they got hacked a few years ago and from what I’ve heard it seems like they still haven’t fully recovered from some of that hack so be careful with A2 hosting, but it still has like 99.96% uptime, and it’s an extremely fast hosting provider.

6- HostGator

HostGator is another extremely popular hosting platform out there now. HostGator is actually owned by the same company as Bluehost, but Bluehost is actually recommended by WordPress themselves, so in my opinion, there’s really not that big of a difference between these two. Sometimes HostGator’s a little bit cheaper, and sometimes Bluehost is a little bit cheaper. But out of these two, I would probably go with Bluehost over HostGator.

7- WP engine

One more recommended company that I haven’t talked about is the WP engine. WP engine is fast, it’s reliable it’s probably the best hosting company out there, but as a con, it’s 10 times the price of every other hosting company out there, so I would not personally recommend this hosting company for most people, but if you have a website that needs really high uptime that needs to be the fastest possible this could be a good option, but most other hosting companies have higher-end plans that are just as good as WP engine for a fraction of the price.

Finally, let’s talk about Hostinger!

8- Hostinger

The big pro with them is they are cheap; they really cheap; they have plans that start at 99 Cents a month, which is the cheapest out there.

Another pro is it’s actually fast. You would think that you would get junk service for that low price, but it’s actually really fast. However, as a con, if you start getting a lot of traffic to your website, it does slow down very quickly. Nonetheless, they do have higher-tier plans that you can always upgrade to.

However, at this price, you have to sign up for four years, which will cost you about 48 USD.

They also don’t have phone support, so if your website is something very important to you and you want to be able to call someone and get on the phone, if you have an issue hostinger might not be the best option. They do have some chat support, so that is always an option if you run into issues with your website.

If you’re tight on cash, this is a great option.

As a result, The Winner is …!

Let’s talk about the winner; what is the best WordPress hosting website out there?

Well, the answer depends on what you’re looking for. A2 Hosting is the fastest host, and this is a really good option to go for.

WP engine is incredibly reliable. If you want reliability in your hosting company and are willing to pay for it, then the WP engine is the perfect option.

If you’re on a budget and you want the cheapest hosting, then Hostinger is a really good option.

But, in my opinion, the best hosting company out there and where you should host your WordPress website is SiteGround. SiteGround is a good price; it’s reliable, they got phone support, and it’s personally what I use and recommend.

I hope you find this review of the best web hosting for WordPress helpful!

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